Funniest Travel Moments from 2015


This majestic portrait from our guest house in Vadu Izei should be an object of religious reverence.


We did the pee pee dance in Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges cathedral….


….and the hands-up hairy man dance in the cathedral of Burgos.


Don’t worry, we managed to avoid collisions with flying nuts and bolts in Split.


Ah!  Fond memories of the Dracula Font in Sighișoara.


Si mutantes, in León.


Rules for Dubrovnik Cathedral: nose picking okay, but no white undies, ice cream, sandwiches, cell phones from 1990’s or Doberman Pinschers.


And finally, this senior year portrait of HOB, which I enjoy every year at my in-laws house.  (This totally counts as a travel moment since we take a 3 1/2 hour bus to get there).  Another, even more enjoyable picture of a suave HOB reclining on bale of hay, has since disappeared under mysterious circumstances.





  1. I love that restroom sign. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That restroom was a lifesaver—we had plans to spend the entire day in the tiny village of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges and of course I was in a panic of where I would use the bathroom. Not only did the church come with a restroom, but it had a hilarious sign. Whew!


  2. Wow, who wouldn’t fall for HOB as a high school senior? Those eyes! Parents, lock up your daughters, is all I can say. Merry Christmas to you both!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He still has those dreamy eyes… 🙂

      Merry Christmas to you too Claudia!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. No mutants? But how would they know? Fun post. Happy New Year, WoB.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL! Happy New Year to you BuntyMcC–many happy travels in 2016.


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