Tag Archives: modernism

The mid-century modern intelligence quotient

We’re still in a quarantine in Chicago but restrictions have loosened up a bit—Quarantine Lite™ I guess you’d call it. I’ve ventured on a few train and bus rides and yesterday I was able to visit my family (from a safe distance) for the first time in four months. On top of that, I got […]

Centennial Hall, Wrocław: every landmark Modernist building should have an erupting Wagner fountain

By the time we got to Wrocław, a college town in the western side of the country, we were full on loving Poland. Usually we make up a local name for HOB: in Poland he was Józef Burlequeski.  I decided I also needed a Polish name, so I was Pani Slutski. Well anyway, Józef Burlequeski and I were […]

Korçë, Albania: come for the tolerance, stay for the Modernist architecture

The people of Korçë are proud of their tolerance and I like it in them.  “We are a tolerant people” we heard several times and surely this is true.  After all, this Southeastern town is famous for having the first girl’s school in Albania and still has an intellectual and cultured vibe (bookstores and museums, hooray!) […]